Acinonyx Web Agency

đŸ’č SEA – Search Engine Advertising

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Pay to make sure you're first!

Be first on Google, Bing, Yandex and pay only by performance!

To search for a product or service, your potential customers will always stop at the first Google results:


The first position in Google search results shows a click rate of 34.36% for desktops and 35% for mobiles.

Google Trends 2020


Alas the search engine algorithm is a jealously guarded secret even if our SEO experts have acquired by experience certainties on what pleases some and would allow you to reach the first places.


Fortunately there is a way to be first by paying, these are the results you see like this :


google search result ads

A priori it represents an investment but as people are less and less patient, contenting themselves with the first Google link, it can represent a safe investment in terms of visitor traffic.



Creation of advertising designs for display campaigns :

campagne autopilot


To the advanced optimization of the target audiences of campaigns :

Example of a SEA campaign with a high rate of return in excess of 5%


Not forgetting, of course, the rotation of the teasers according to the targets with adaptation of the teasers, all responsive on mobile:

google ads accroche responsive mobile



Your campaigns are in good hands


What are you waiting for to save time and stop wasting it doing everything to seduce Google?

Dominate the search engines

No more being invisible or SEO, UX and content optimizations to only be hoped to be favored by Google,

Get to know our marketing specialist

Kensworth Williams

Kensworth Williams

SEO/SEA/SEM consultant

Holder of a computer license and with his experience at the Ministry of Human Development in Belize, our consultant to understand and learn to master the platforms Google Ads / Editor, Bing, Instagram and Facebook.

Whether it’s increasing your traffic in a natural way through SEO, or paying for fast SEA results, our expert will satisfy you.

Contact us and get an estimate


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